Keynote speakers

Session 1

Tailing characterization

Peter Robertson

Master conference: Modern site characterization for mine tailings

Session 2

Tailings management strategies

Chris Hatton

Master conference: Journey of an Engineer of Record - What the last 10 years has taught us

The Engineer of Record (EoR) concept was not well defined nor consistently or effectively applied before the 2014 Mount Polley Tailings Dam failure. An EoR framework was under development in North America when the dam failed. However, the failure of the Mount Polly Tailings Dam forever changed how we view the EoR role. The subsequent fallout generated a wide range of responses, from dramatic local regulatory acrimony to a careful deep and introspective step change initiated by owners and consultants. Owner-initiated programs were accelerated, culminating in new governance frameworks developed by various owners and establishing robust guidance for the EoR by industry associations.

Humberto Preciado

Master conference: Considerations for the Analysis and Design of Tailings Storage Structures in accordance with the Processing Technology

The physical and chemical properties of the tailings/relake produced in a mine depend on, among other things, the properties of the ore body mined, the milling, recovery or extraction process and these properties are rarely constant over the life of the mine. This presentation will discuss actual cases, where the analysis and design of tailings storage facilities were developed in anticipation of (in the case of new projects) or in sync with (in the case of historical or existing facilities) processing technology; ranging from pulp and thickened high density tailings to paste and filtered tailings.

Session 3

Deposit risk analysis

Jorge Macedo

Master conference: Seismic risk assessment in tailings deposits (tailings)

Risk assessment is one of the aspects highlighted by the new global standards for tailings impoundment management. In this presentation, general aspects of risk assessment based on performance engineering concepts and the new ICMM standards will be discussed. In particular, seismic risk aspects will be emphasized, which are of primary importance in countries with an active mining industry and significant seismic activity such as Mexico.

Renato Macciota

Master conference: Risk analysis tools applied to the evaluation of tailings closure strategies

Session 4

Design of tailings deposits

Marcos Arroyo

Master Conference: Stability analysis in tailings dams with potentially liquefiable materials

Priscilla Nelson

Master conference: New Directions for Tailings Management

The global mining industry anticipates annual production rates increasing inexorably during the coming decade, and the world-wide concern for the potential consequences from conventional tailings dam failure. This paper will provide an update on new technologies and approaches to safer tailings management that are being pursued since the 2021 writing of the Chapter on the "Future of Tailings Management" included in the SME Tailings Management Handbook. The paper will present approaches to "zero waste" mining, including in situ mining to reduce tailings volume, advanced processing that reduces water requirements and minimizes reagents, upscale and downscale uses for tailings materials, mine waste remining for critical minerals and metals, and new materials manufactured from tailings.

Alejo Sfriso

Master conference: The contribution of numerical modeling to tailings deposition engineering

Session 5

Governance, standards and regulations

Paul Ridlen

Master conference: The Crucial Role of Engineers in Improving Tailings Facility Safety through the Implementation of International Standards

Humberto Aldana

Master conference: Process of implementing tailings management and governance

Kim Morrison

Master conference: The Journey to GISTM Implementation

The mining industry, in general, has embraced the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (or GISTM) to provide step-change improvement in the management of tailings facilities globally. Members of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) have committed to implementation of the GISTM for priority facilities (those with Extreme or Very High consequence classification) by August 2023 and all other facilities by August 2025. The GISTM has 77 requirements focused on six key topic areas: (i) affected communities; (ii) integrated knowledge base; (iii) design, construction, operation and monitoring of tailings facilities; (iv) management and governance; (v) emergency response and long-term recovery; and (vi) public disclosure and access to information.